外眼看深 | 哥伦比亚音乐人Shirley唱给深圳的歌:Go Go We Are Strong
2022-03-23 09:35
来源: 深圳新闻网

外眼看深 | 哥伦比亚音乐人Shirley唱给深圳的歌:Go Go We Are Strong

读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年3月23日讯(记者 金洪竹 林恒鑫)“别沮丧、别气馁,疫情终将过去,让我们一起携手战疫!”3月20日,来自哥伦比亚的音乐人Shirley在自己的视频号上发布了一首为深圳战疫原创的音乐MV《GO GO WE ARE STRONG》。欢快的节奏、鲜明的鼓点、动感的旋律、正能量的歌词,歌曲一经发布便吸引了大量网友转发点赞。

“Don’t be desperate, don’t lose your faith, because everything will be OK, cooperate and fight together!” On March 20, Shirley, a Musician from Colombia, released an original music video called "GO GO WE ARE STRONG" on her video account. Upbeat rhythm, distinctive drums, dynamic melody and positive lyrics......the song attracted a large number of retweets from netizens once it was released.


Shirley and her husband, also a musician, moved to Shenzhen in 2008 with their inaugural band and have made Shenzhen their home ever since. From "the world of two" to "a family of four", Shirley has been rooted in Shenzhen for 14 years.



“Music is my beloved career, I’m trying to send positive message to people through music.”said Shirley. She saw the the epidemic in Shenzhen has affected people's work and life to varying degrees, so she came up with the idea of using music to cheer people up.“You know this situation is a bit difficult for everyone, so I wanted to send a positive message to make people feel like better, feel happy when they listen to the song.


Therefor, Shirley wrote the song in just three days during her "slow life" at home.”The rhythm of the song is the traditional rhythm of Colombian music, and everyone can dance with it. In the accompaniment, Shirley adds traditional Colombian percussion instruments to make the music more appealing, while in the lyrics, she shouts "Come on!" in Spanish, English and Chinese to cheer Shenzhen fighting against the epidemic.


In order to make the song more powerful, Shirley also made the song into a music video. Affected by the epidemic, Shirley could not shoot and record the music video outside the community, but she invited a lot of friends to shoot at home, participating in online singing together.“I asked some friends to help me with the video, they were very happy yo help me because they told me that the music is really catchy and they really like the song, and when they send me the videos they told me that they had a lot of fun.”


Shirley said that the song was also written to thank those people who fighting against the epidemic on the front line. “We know that many people they are working together day and night, protecting the city, protecting us, protecting everyone.”Shirley says the quarantine measures of  Shenzhen make her feel safe.”I have been living here for 14 years, I believe that the city and the government are providing us with scientific guidelines and services. We wish the city that very soon it will be like before, so we wish everybody in this city, we wish the city that everything will be okay very soon.”
