今日深圳7月14日:湾区升日月 昼夜如转珠
2022-07-14 15:29
来源: 深圳新闻网

今日深圳7月14日:湾区升日月 昼夜如转珠

读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年7月14日讯(记者 陈彦如)惊艳了万千深圳人的“超级月亮”渐渐退场,人们趁晓光未至,来到深圳湾等一轮骄阳。


Super Moon has hidden its face. 

Before sun rise, people gather in Shenzhen Bay and wait.

Pink clouds reflect the warm colour of orange glow, the mixture of which is the gilded sunlight.

The sun and the moon alternate in the Greater Bay Area.

Look, the rising sun is bursting out with radiant golden ray.
