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Discover Shenzhen | The yellow-bellied prinia 黄腹鹪莺

Discover Shenzhen | The yellow-bellied prinia 黄腹鹪莺



A yellow-bellied prinia perches in a tree in Wutong Mountain in Luohu District on March 5. Photos by Isaac Cohen

Among the most frequently seen birds in Shenzhen are the fantastic yellow-bellied prinias (Priniaflaviventris). The prinia is a small 12- to 14-cm-long bird with a dark grey hood covering its head and a distinctive lighter coloration around the eyes, with an olive green back plumage and a beautiful yellow belly. These birds can be seen bouncing around bushes and long grasses near wetlands or rivers. Another visible characteristic of prinias are their strong long legs that help them hold onto any sort of vegetation and a beautiful long tail they move up and down while flying and during their mating rituals.


A yellow-bellied prinia is seen in Wutong Mountain in Luohu District.

Since prinias move mainly through grass and bushes, their main prey are small insects and larvae they can easily find while moving, like flies, beetles and grasshoppers.


The yellow-bellied prinia starts its mating season at the beginning of spring which continues through the end of summer. They are found to be highly adaptable to the conditions of the environment and build their nests wherever they find a suitable place to live. Females will lay up to four small red eggs of about 1.5 cm per clutch and both parents will help incubating and feeding the youngsters once they hatch.


A yellow-bellied prinia is seen perching on a tree branch in Wutong Mountain in Luohu District.

I personally find this bird absolutely amazing and never hesitate to follow it and take a picture or two when I have the chance.


About the writer:


Isaac Cohen, a biologist from Colombia, has been recording through his camera lens the beautiful and colorful wildlife in Shenzhen since arriving in town in the summer of 2017.

Isaac Cohen是一位来自哥伦比亚的生物学家,于2017年来到深圳。从那时起,他就开始用手中的相机记录深圳丰富多彩的生物世界。

内容来源: ShenzhenDaily

编辑:王斯涵 钟汝芳

校审:肖刚 黄淳 吴超

