“微光”讲习营 | Matteo:深圳的生物多样性令人惊喜
2022-04-18 17:51
来源: 深圳新闻网

“微光”讲习营 | Matteo:深圳的生物多样性令人惊喜

And we are doing that through a variety of different machine learning models that try to understand what the impacts are and what are the opportunities of reconnected protected areas. This one is the case of the American black bear in Minnesota where actually we reconnected these protection areas and improve the dispersal of this species which is also an implication for the maintenance of vegetation and carbon sequestration.


So preliminary results are actually showing that just by maintaining30% of all the terrestrial habitats as protected areas, we are actually able to improve carbon sequestration by70% considering the current baseline,65% of maintenance of water provisioning and about59% of preserving all the species that are threatened or endangered. So preserving these ecological connections that most of the time are actually coinciding with the water pathways, such as river source streams is actually incredibly important.

