“微光”讲习营 | Matteo:深圳的生物多样性令人惊喜
2022-04-18 17:51
来源: 深圳新闻网

“微光”讲习营 | Matteo:深圳的生物多样性令人惊喜


MatteoConvertino 在“微光”讲习营的演讲视频。


I love biodiversity and among the whole world of biodiversity, this is the one that I love the most --my son which is the union of two very different ecologies reflecting very different environments. I'm an Italian, and my wife is a Japanese. So I constantly think that inside my son, there is a gene war. But most likely inside him, there are self-reinforcing interactions between the genes that improve him and also the people around him like his parents.


so what is really biodiversity?I believe it is the set of interactions between individuals of the same species or diverse species that improve not just the individual but the collective population.So what I am largely interested in is to understand how these interactions evolve over space and over time, and how the overall population is actually increasing its fitness and ecosystem health, which means ecology and environment together.


Just to give you an example. This one is the Talawe wetland in Mumbai. And it’s not a coincidence that both the feathers of the flamingos and the water are pink. Actually, this is related to a well-balanced interaction between the ecology and the environment, from the small microalgae to the birds as well as water. This one is related to the fact that there is a biogeochemical bond in balance between the ecology and the environment, and we want to maintain that particular balance.


Now, what is really important is actually the shape of these interactions, shape that we can decode as a network. And this network in particular is called fractal, which is an optimal network, maximizing the communication between individuals with the minimum energy. So when individual BIRDS fly and for example they land into a tree, they aggregate, but also when they fly, they interact with each in order to maximize these interactions which we can generally call love bonds. Because everybody is actually increasing their mutual fitness. They can actually integrate as a network.


Network that can also be invisible. For example these bacteria in the ocean, they are very important. And the maintenance of their interactions is fundamental.For example, identifying areas that are healthy and areas that are unhealthy. In unhealthy oceans, we have large algal blooms. We have fish kills. We have large deaths of corals. And this is really related to the shape of the interactions primarily driven by bacteria,

bacteria that are also extremely important for sequestering carbon down into the ocean.


My inspiration, my first love was Venice, which is my hometown. And it's a classic example of how well people, species and environment come together into an ecosystem that is beautiful. And this beauty is not arising by chance. It’s actually related to these interactions between the ecology and the environment. That are positively reinforcing through centuries of evolution. And the natural environment is not only the environment that is beautiful, but also the built environment is reflecting this state of beauty and finding inspiration in nature. This set of windows which in Venetian is called polifora  is  actually reflecting fractal structures, like a fern, like a plant that we find in the Venice Lagoon.


And my second inspiration is actually coming from my grandfather who was a structural engineer. As I was once and after that I started to apply all these concepts to understand the structures of nature, and how we can engineer and preserve them.


From the purplish skies of Venice, I came to the purplish skies of Shenzhen. And because I was attracted by this amazing biodiversity, people, species and the opportunities they create. So Shenzhen is extremely important not just because it's attractive, but also because it's the northern tip of what we call the blue carbon lung of the planet that has the highest marine biodiversity and the largest carbon sequestration in the ocean and coastal ecosystems while the green carbon lung is actually the Amazonian rainforest. And the interactions between these two areas are actually extremely important for regulating climate on Earth. That's another opportunity, another interest that I find extremely challenging while I am here.



So leaving aside details to ecologists that know much more than me, I just want to show you some ecological marvels of Shenzhen. One of them is this bamboo viper which is nocturnal species that are actually increasing in terms of abundance due to rising temperature and also because of habitat fragmentation. So these self-reinforcing interactions between its own populations are not necessarily always positive, and can be driven by changes that we perform in our environment.


The second one is an ecological marvel that is actually a freshwater crab that got trapped into the mountain through Earth evolution. And because of that, it's actually a great ecological indicator of climate change. And this crab is unfortunately decaying in abundance precisely because of the same habitat fragmentation that we are performing in our environment.


Lastly, I think there are very unique species in the Greater Bay Area that are very interesting. One is the largest moth in the world, the other is the dugong which is a seacow responsible to maintain seagrass communities in coastal areas, corals in Dapeng, ferns on our mountains and coastal crabs. So we want to maintain this wonderful ecosystems that are actually the byproduct of interactions between very diverse species, and the balance between these species is actually very delicate. But I think we all agree that we want to maintain those types of ecosystems.


Ecosystems that are also integrated into the shapes of some historical towns. And I cannot stop to think about Nantou or Dapeng as historical examples where nature was truly integrated into the city design not just as a collective set of buildings but also in terms of stylistic forms and colors. I believe that's what we should do.


The question is how we do that. And I put this example as a pasta not just because I made it or because I'm an Italian, but because it's actually a good prototype of how nature is built. If you consider the ingredients, some of them are actually associated to species as resources, such as fish, wheat, cauliflower, etc. All these ingredients come together in a very delicate way.


And if we alter the balance of one species or one ingredient, the whole hand result can be disastrous. So we can actually move very easily from a wonderful pasta that is delicious to a very terrible pasta. And the same is true for our ecosystems where interactions of these ingredients or species are actually extremely important for the maintenance of stability and health of our ecosystems.


So through my work as a professor at Tsinghua and before coming here, what we're doing is actually mapping these ecosystem interactions worldwide. And we're trying to rewire those ecological corridors that have been broken.


And we are doing that through a variety of different machine learning models that try to understand what the impacts are and what are the opportunities of reconnected protected areas. This one is the case of the American black bear in Minnesota where actually we reconnected these protection areas and improve the dispersal of this species which is also an implication for the maintenance of vegetation and carbon sequestration.


So preliminary results are actually showing that just by maintaining30% of all the terrestrial habitats as protected areas, we are actually able to improve carbon sequestration by70% considering the current baseline,65% of maintenance of water provisioning and about59% of preserving all the species that are threatened or endangered. So preserving these ecological connections that most of the time are actually coinciding with the water pathways, such as river source streams is actually incredibly important.


And to zoom down in our neighborhood.This is actually MaiPo in HK, where we are currently trying to work with WWF in collaboration also with the Futian mangrove community, in order to understand how to improve freshwater flow.


For example, by removing tidal barriers that separate the ocean from land that is actually increasing carbon sequestration. And the amount of carbon sequestration that is estimated to increase is actually equivalent to the emission every year of CO2 to what a forest4 times larger than Shenzhen can sequester, so a huge number. We are talking about the very small area, but just that this small area can cause dramatic consequences, at least if we look into the carbon budget every year.


And last year, I was quite fortunate to be able to create this Blue Carbon economy start-up in which through a budget that is actually financing the sale of local fish from a local fish community to local people,we are restoring seagrass and macroalgal communities which is actually again enhancing both biodiversity as well carbon sequestration through these plant species in coastal communities. So before any restoration, I believe it is actually really important that we monitor the species in our ecosystems. We are currently doing that along the Dasha river. By collecting videos that are also provided by people like all of us, and through models, we're actually trying to infer the network that are synthesizing the collective behavior,t hat is the shape of these fish interactions in each habitat.


And strikingly, this type of networks are largely associated to water quantity and water quality which can guide better water management strategies or pollution control. Preliminary results are actually showing that the Dasha river is ecologically fragmented despite being socially interconnected which is putting another emphasis on the needs of nature-based solutions where ecology is actually at the core.


Lastly, I want to show you something that I started to do probably5 years ago.We are realizing3D structures that are printed by biodegradable and bioactive materials. These structures are actually reflecting water networks, the fractal networks that I was talking about at the beginning.


And we are deploying them on coastal ecosystems as well as coral reefs in order to enhance biodiversity as well as water flow. So the set of channels and the disposition of these tiles are actually improving biodiversity, from the microbes up to larger species. And this one is a way to engineer biodiversity in places that have been dramatically compromised.


The question I have for all of us is can we be black swans in positive for ecosystem health? And the answer is of course we want to be black swans in positive. And as much as Weiji suggest, even in moment of crisis, that can be an opportunity to restore the connection we may have lost between the ecology and the environment. And I was fortunate enough to be able to do that, so far.


Including here in Shenzhen, with the people that love nature, with my colleagues, because the primary secret ingredient is actually bonding with people. There is no single restoration that works without bonding with local communities. And so it is fine that we work with people with a variety of different knowledge, but collectively we must share the same mission which is for instance to save nature.


And these bonds will save nature, biodiversity for our children,grandchildren and future generations, the same bonds that I would like to have preserved for my son when he interacts with the small ducks, and when he interacts with very simple grass.


I think that we all must come together, because we are the primary species as ecosystem engineers that can have a huge impact into the environment because of our consciousness, because of our ability to feel and because of our impact.


We should really come together and embrace I think what I call the ecology of humanity, and the ecology of humanity is actually love.


(图片来源于演讲者 )
